a brief note... - 3/15/07------------- a brief note... archives.
"I have a dream...!" Someone very famous once said. This man had a belief in his dream, and an intensity and drive to make it reality. One might say that his dream lives on today. Sometimes I think of people who have become legends and admire their strong qualities, the good they brought to the world, and the honor they brought to their tribes. And I look to the younger generation. The emerging heroes of our future must be there, hidden amongst their peers. Let the world's need for you be the fuel that keeps your dream alive.
Perhaps the diversity of our society makes it harder to peg the "greats" of our time. We have days to honor mothers, presidents, saints, and war veterans. There is no day yet, on which we celebrate the unsung, unknown champions of our race. Whoever you are, we know you're there. When your burden becomes heavy and those closest to you don't "see" you, we know you're there. Keep your dream alive.