zero point
This is an experiment in basic coding as well as mindfulness.
Within the last 5 or so years, my curiosity about the spiritual aspect of life has grown more pronounced. A thing I've discovered is that when one begins self-examination (for any question about existence is really a question about the self), it's too easy to fall away from honest observation and into emotional self-interest. Rather than holding to an ascetic viewpoint and denying myself these occasional indulgences, I'll go with what occurs. Unexpected turns and sudden drops don't necessarily spell disaster, and when greeted with uncovered eyes they often offer the real meat of the experience.
It would be incorrect to say that this experiment is about me or my life. It involves a world, the different life-forms that inhabit it, and the worlds they create. Generally the focus is the imagination, exploring what is possible, and finding out where the boundaries are (if there really are any). Here I will attempt to map out some of the chaos that is the mental phenomenon of any human at any given time...
If we were to emerge one layer from the basic resting place of Being, there is a World; a context for Being. If we zoom-out another
several layers, we find there are many Worlds; one in a book you may be reading, one in effect at a bar you like to frequent, one at
your workplace, one in your home, perhaps one or several in your mind. When you arrived here you encountered yet another World. It
has no real name. Don't bother about your driver's license or credit card, or whether your hair is combed. What matters here is
who you are when you strip away those extraneous details.
Have you honored that part of yourself that normally endures walking around wearing what others think is the "real" you? Entertain for a moment, what you really look like; what color your anger is; in what shape hope glows around your body; what really makes you tick. When you find those things out, feel free to be those things, whatever they are, when you come here.
This world has no rules. Extinction? No reason to fear that; we all end up at Zero Point again, just Being. And if you know your way around, you may just return to the default reality of your choosing. The best part is that we really don't know (yet) what is possible.
This is an experiment in basic coding as well as mindfulness.
Within the last 5 or so years, my curiosity about the spiritual aspect of life has grown more pronounced. A thing I've discovered is that when one begins self-examination (for any question about existence is really a question about the self), it's too easy to fall away from honest observation and into emotional self-interest. Rather than holding to an ascetic viewpoint and denying myself these occasional indulgences, I'll go with what occurs. Unexpected turns and sudden drops don't necessarily spell disaster, and when greeted with uncovered eyes they often offer the real meat of the experience.
It would be incorrect to say that this experiment is about me or my life. It involves a world, the different life-forms that inhabit it, and the worlds they create. Generally the focus is the imagination, exploring what is possible, and finding out where the boundaries are (if there really are any). Here I will attempt to map out some of the chaos that is the mental phenomenon of any human at any given time...
Have you honored that part of yourself that normally endures walking around wearing what others think is the "real" you? Entertain for a moment, what you really look like; what color your anger is; in what shape hope glows around your body; what really makes you tick. When you find those things out, feel free to be those things, whatever they are, when you come here.
This world has no rules. Extinction? No reason to fear that; we all end up at Zero Point again, just Being. And if you know your way around, you may just return to the default reality of your choosing. The best part is that we really don't know (yet) what is possible.
"The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through."
~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
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thanks for reading
~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
This site has a new version.
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Posted a new screenshot of Vamp to the 'characters' page.
Uploaded 'whisper of a memory' to a new server and updated the link.
Made minor changes to the 'characters' page.
Updated the 'home' page.
Created the 'past emanations' page.
Made minor changes.
Updated the 'characters' page.
Added the 'moon phase module.'
Updated the 'characters' page.
thanks for reading